COP 28 is set to take place in the United Arab Emirates from the 30th of November to the 12th of December 2023.
NatureFinance has a core delegation on the ground and will be co-hosting, participating in and engaging with a number of events over the next two weeks, spanning our various workstreams. Below, you will find the most up-to-date details of these events.
This web page will continue to be updated regularly as details of NatureFinance’s COP 28 programme evolve.
Events NatureFinance are co-hosting at COP28
• 2nd December: Legislating for a Resilient Future: Nature and Finance Beyond 1.5°C

Parliamentary Pavilion (GLOBE International), Zone B7 Bldg 88 (2nd floor), Blue Zone, COP28 Dubai Expo City | 12:00-13:30 (GST)
This event will explore the critical role of legislators in the arena of nature and finance in a world beyond 1.5 degrees. This wide-ranging event will be a platform for knowledge-sharing and networking, with the objective of engaging Parliamentarians in delivering a nature positive, net zero, equitable future, which fulfils the goals of both the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement.
Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance and GLOBE
• 4th December: Objectives of the Sustainable Debt Coalition and a Task Force on Sustainability-Linked Sovereign Financing for Nature and Climate

Lab 2 Al Jeer, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 15:00-16:00 (GST)
This roundtable discussion will convene ministers of finance and other finance leaders from public and private sector to respond to the launch of the Sustainable Debt Coalition and the launch of Task Force on Sustainability-linked Sovereign Financing of Nature and Climate, showcasing domestic and international successes. For more information, click here.
Co-Hosted by: the Sustainable Debt Coalition and partners including UN Economic Commission for Africa, The Nature Conservancy, The Climate Champions Team, The Sustainability-Linked Sovereign Debt Hub, NatureFinance, and the University of Oxford
NatureFinance Speaker: Justin Mundy
• 4th December: Nature Economies: The Potential of Biodiversity Credits in Conversation with IPLCs

Climate Funds Pavilion – Thematic Arena 3, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 15:15-16:45 (GST)
Join us for a discussion on the learnings, best practices and opportunities presented by biodiversity credits and nature markets, with a focus to the Global South nations—regions that stand as the world’s vital biocultural strongholds and the potential beneficiaries of a well-structured biodiversity credits market. The second part of the event will feature a dedicated consultation with IPLC leaders and the co-chairs of the IAPB.
Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance and the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 5th December: Enhancing conservation and resilience through biocredits: Collaborative market design through South-South learning

Lab 2 Al Jeer, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 10:30-11:30 (GST)
This practical implementation lab event will bring together stakeholders and learnings from the Amazon and the African continent to engage on how to establish a strong foundation for developing, scaling, and broadening of well-governed and equitable market for biodiversity, which supports conservation and restoration efforts and community livelihoods. Speakers from the global investment community and multilateral development banks will respond on what will give them confidence to invest in these new and developing markets. The implementation lab will end with outlining further developments envisaged on the way to COP 30 in Brazil. For more information, click here.
Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance and FSDAfrica
NatureFinance Speaker: Monique Atouguia
• 6th December: How can Biodiversity Credits equitably contribute to climate and nature?

Legal Amazon Consortium Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 15:15-16:30 (GST)
(This event will be primarily in Portuguese -There will be simultaneous translation into Portuguese and English at this event)
This event aims to be a space for in-depth discussion on this vital topic, seeking to incorporate different perspectives. It will address the complexities of biodiversity credits through the lenses of an indigenous leader, a company active in issuing these credits, a committed investment fund, a development bank, and a scientist specialising in environmental issues. This comprehensive forum aims to enrich global understanding of biodiversity credits by exploring their potential and challenges from multiple perspectives.
Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance and Consórcio Amazônia Legal
NatureFinance Speaker: Luana Maia
• 9th December: Biodiversity Credits: Can it play a fair and effective role in Climate Conservation and Preservation?

Pavilion of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 11:00-12:00 (GST)
This event will be in Portuguese | live stream link
This event will delve deeply into the significance of biodiversity credits as a critical financial tool in achieving the objectives outlined by the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement. It will explore how current economic systems often undervalue nature’s contributions to society, advocate for fair compensation for those involved in environmental preservation, and underscore the importance of recognising the true costs of biodiversity conservation. This event aims to foster a multifaceted understanding of biodiversity credits, gathering insights from various stakeholders, including indigenous leaders, biodiversity credit issuers, African representatives, and development finance institutions. For more information, click here.
Hosted by: NatureFinance and IDB
NatureFinance Speaker: Marcelo Furtado
• 10th December: What to expect from the G20 Bioeconomy Working Group

Consórcio Amazônia Legal Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 15:00-16:15 (GST)
(This event will be primarily in Portuguese -There will be simultaneous translation into Portuguese and English at this event)
At COP 28, the Brazilian government plans to spearhead a G20 Bioeconomy Initiative in 2024, focusing on combating climate change. This initiative seeks input from all G20 nations, fostering a space for international engagement and discussion on bioeconomy. This roundtable will emphasise active listening and inclusivity. It aims to collect valuable contributions, integrate diverse perspectives, and provide meaningful insights to shape the G20 Bioeconomy Initiative. This event serves as a strategic platform for enriching the global dialogue on bioeconomy, ensuring the inclusion of important voices and the promotion of innovative ideas.
Hosted by: NatureFinance
NatureFinance Speaker: Marcelo Furtado
NatureFinance COP 28 speaking appointments
• 1st December: Silverstrand Biodiversity Accelerator event
The Singapore Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 16:30 – 19:00 (GST)
Silverstrand’s Biodiversity Accelerator Demo Day session will explore how we can address climate and biodiversity. Five of Silverstrand’s accelerator companies will be presenting their work in front of a judging panel.
NatureFinance Speaker: Hiba Larsson
• 2nd December: AIIB Flagship Event: Introducing AIIB’s AIF 2023 report: “Nature as Infrastructure”
AIIB Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 09:30-11:00 (GST)
At this session, AIIB will provide a presentation on nature as infrastructure – the key theme of their annual flagship report this year. They analyze how nature affects development, and how development (including in infrastructure) can be done more sustainably to safeguard nature. For more information, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 3rd December: Climate Finance: The role of the Climate Funds in supporting developing countries
SE Room 5, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 10:45-11:45 (GST)
This event will convene High Level Leaders in a panel discussion, to share their vision for how to increase climate finance to deliver even greater impact, and their view on the role of multilateral funds in supporting the climate ambitions of developing countries. The second panel will convene the principals of the four multilateral climate funds – the Adaptation Fund (AF), the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) – to discuss the role of the funds in supporting climate action and how they intend to strengthen their collaboration to enhance access to climate finance.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 3rd December: Scaling Domestic Resources for Adaptation and Resilience with the Sustainable Budgeting Approach
Rwanda Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 15:00-16:00 (GST)
Hosted by the University of Oxford with the Republic of Rwanda, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and United Nations Environment Programme, This event aims to deepen policy makers’ understanding of how to better align domestic public finance to climate change goals, while maintaining sovereign development priorities. The session will also present concrete fiscal policy tools and other financing options to facilitate domestic investment in mitigation, adaptation, and resilience. Implementing these tools can lead to more effective domestic resource allocation, as well as enhanced fiscal transparency. This, in turn, can potentially catalyse higher market trust, improved credit ratings and increased access to lower-cost international finance.
NatureFinance Speaker: Arend Kulenkampff
• 4th December: International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits: Moving towards thriving nature markets
UK Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 10:45-11:45 (GST)
Nature markets can support global climate and biodiversity goals, and the independent International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) will set the stage for how they are working to help to increase and accelerate investment in a way that delivers for people and the planet. Join IAPB for a discussion with our Co-chairs and Panel experts on the conditions needed to support high integrity biodiversity credits at scale and at pace. For more information, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 4th December: Tackling the Twin Crises of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss: Green Finance Innovations & Solutions
Biosphere 3 Solutions Pavilion, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 09:00-16:00 (GST)
At the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) to be held in the United Arab Emirates, the Biosphere 3 Solutions Pavilion, Paulson Institute, and China Center for International Economic Exchanges will jointly host a special Finance Day event on December 4, 2023.
Global Net Zero Dialogue | 14:30-15:00 (GST)
From their distinct perspectives and extensive professional backgrounds, Wang Shi & Simon Zadek will discuss the pivotal roles played by financial institutions and private enterprises in addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. Their conversation will also explore opportunities and pathways to help further unleash these sectors’ potential in catalyzing transformative actions for climate and biodiversity.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 6th December: Carbon Bankroll with James Vaccaro
ASU Pavilion | 10:00-12:00 (GST)
Climate Safe Lending Network’s Executive Director, James Vaccaro will provide a strategic discussion of the Carbon Bankroll. This event will deliver updates from the original Carbon Bankroll report as well as new insights and perspectives from WBCSD and leading companies moving on this agenda.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 6th December: Building a Business Case for Biodiversity
The Malaysia Pavilion | 12:30-13:30 (GST)
This event will delve into the critical intersections of business and biodiversity. From valuing natural capital to scaling strategies, this dynamic discussion on 6th December (1230pm) at the Malaysia Pavilion promises insights, examples, and actionable strategies for integrating biodiversity into business models for sustainable success. For more information, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 6th December: New Monetization Models
Ecuador COP28 Pavilion | 12:30-13:30 (GST)
This event will be in Spanish
Hosted by Pachamama Foundation and Sacred Headwaters, this event seeks to address Amazon’s social and environmental challenges, promote rigorous resource management, and explore new financing models through resource monetization to support conservation efforts while involving indigenous communities and leveraging technologies like Blockchain. This event will explore the potential of new financing models through the monetization of natural resources as an alternative to mobilize resources for Amazon conservation while promoting collective rights.
NatureFinance Speaker: Luana Maia
• 7th December: Hedera Regenerative Finance Forum
Future of Mobility Hub, Uptown Dubai | 09:30-18:30 (GST)
Embark on a transformative financial journey at the Regenerative Finance Forum, where finance meets sustainability and purpose. This groundbreaking event unites financial leaders, impact investors, innovators, and changemakers to explore how finance can be a force for good, promoting economic, social, and environmental regeneration.
Hedera Regenerative Finance Forum – Beyond Carbon | 14:00-14:45
This high-level event will include representatives from Parties, public and private financial institutions announcing actions and mechanisms to drive forward nature finance. Simon Zadek will speak at this event.
For more details and to register, click here
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 8th December: Roundtable on Establishing a Climate Fund for Indigenous Women
Peru Pavilion, Blue Zone (B5 – 60), Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 08.30-09.45 (GST)
With the participation of the Minister of Environment of Peru, Ms. Albina Ruiz, this roundtable will delve into the challenges and opportunities for a financial mechanism that specifically supports indigenous women’s initiatives in climate adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable practices. The discussion will aim to highlight the importance of empowering indigenous women as agents of change in their communities and leaders in climate action.
NatureFinance Speaker: Luana Maia
• 8th December: Ecological connectivity and climate action: stakes and opportunities
CBFP/CAFC’s pavilion, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 10.30-11.30 (GST)
Ecological corridors are the circulatory system of nature. This event will outline how connecting lands and seas is one of the most important adaptation responses to ensure climate resilience of species and ecosystems, and the benefits they provide to people. This event aims at pledging for ecological connectivity (which is a cross-cutting issue insufficiently considered in conservation policies). Simon will talk about innovative finance for nature and people: opportunities and challenges for biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificates.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 8th December: Scaling Nature Finance in Brazil
Brazil pavilion, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 12.00-13.15 (GST)
Santander and JGP will host a stimulating panel discussion on opportunities and barriers to scale nature finance in Brazil.
NatureFinance Speaker: Marcelo Furtado
• 9th December: Financing for Nature-Based Climate Solutions
The Spanish Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 10.00-11.00 (GST)
Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance of financial support for nature-based solutions, aligning with global climate objectives and reinforcing nature’s contribution to a sustainable and resilient future. This event is a significant step towards advancing nature-based climate solutions and securing the necessary resources to address the climate crisis. For more information and a live stream link, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Mark Halle
• 9th December: Innovative Finance Approaches for Nature-based Solutions
OPEC Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 11.00-12.30 (GST)
This event hosted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) aims to brainstorm with the identified knowledge and technical partners of the Nature-Solutions Finance Hub (NSFH) on innovative finance approaches to efficiently implement nature positive solutions. Inputs and suggestions from the roundtable will help provide strategic directions for the development of implementation approaches and guidelines for the Nature Solutions Finance Hub.
NatureFinance Speaker: Simon Zadek
• 9th December: Building the National Bioeconomy Policy and Opportunities within the G20
Brazil Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 12.00-13.00 (GST)
Hosted by COP 28 UAE, Federal Government of Brazil, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, panellists include Ana Euler – Business Director, Embrapa, Carina Pimenta – National Secretary of Bioeconomy – MMA, Guilherme Eidt – Coordinator of Public Policies and Advocacy, ISPN, Luana Maia – Global Brazil Lead, Nature Finance, Nabil Kadri – Superintendent of the Environmental Area, BNDES and Thiago Falda – Executive President, ABBI.
NatureFinance Speaker: Luana Maia
• 9th December: Measuring Nature Positive
Nature Positive Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 12.00-13.15 (GST)
Hosted by the Nature Positive Initiative, this panel discussion will build on the work being done by the Metrics and Measurability Working Group focusing on the imperative and practicalities of measuring and operationalising Nature Positive for business, governments and civil society. For more information, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Hiba Larsson
• 9th December: Nature Talks – Leading nature solutions for climate action
Nature Positive Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 14.30-16.00 (GST)
Hosted by the Nature Positive Initiative, this event aims to provide a unique space for diverse experts to share transformative ideas, innovative solutions, and personal insights that inspire change and ignite conversations surrounding the crucial role of nature in addressing climate challenges for the people and the planet. Each 4-8 minute Nature Talk will serve as a condensed powerhouse of knowledge, delving into key themes across various spheres—scientific, political, economic, financial, social, and technological—that underscore the significance of nature-based solutions. For more information, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Hiba Larsson
• 10th December: Harnessing the power of wildlife to tackle the climate crisis
Nature Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 17.00-19.00 (GST)
This event will present the latest scientific evidence and programmatic learning on the important role that is played by wild animals, such as whales, elephants and other large herbivores, in addressing the climate crisis.The event will showcase the latest scientific evidence that wild animals play an underestimated role in carbon sequestration by ‘animating the carbon cycle’ in ways that dramatically improve the capacity of ecosystems to capture and store carbon in the landscape. For more information, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Mark Halle
• 11th December: Ramping up ambition to conserve and restore carbon sink beyond forests: How Article 5 of the Paris Agreement can be leveraged to sequester carbon while protecting, restoring and effectively managing biodiversity in non-forest ecosystems
Nature Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 09:00-10:00 (GST)
Hosted by International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), and Birdlife International, This side event will explore the potential for the establishment of a work programme on Article 5 of the Paris Agreement to increase ambition on the delivery of nature based solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises by accelerating the conservation and enhancement of carbon sinks and reservoirs in ecosystems beyond forests in ways that support biodiversity conservation, restoration and management. For more details, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Mark Halle
• 11th December: BRINGING ELEPHANTS INTO THE ROOM – why UNFCCC needs to put animals on the table
Side Event Room 3, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE | 11:30-13:00 (GST)
The importance of restoring biodiversity to address the climate crisis is well-known, but the specific roles of animals in the carbon cycle is overlooked. Hosted by WDC, Euro Group for Animals, World Federation for Animals, The Global Rewilding Aliance and The Mohamed bin Zayed SPECIES CONSERVATION FUND, this event will showcase animal-based initiatives such as rewilding and regenerative agriculture, that contribute to carbon storage, and how enhancing animals’ ability to fulfil their ecological roles can help us tackle the climate crisis. For more information, click here.
NatureFinance Speaker: Mark Halle
For further information, please contact joanna.omalley@naturefinance.net