Moreover, in today’s world, for nature positive interventions to work requires them to be framed by broader sustainable development goals, particularly regarding poverty and equity issues, as with our work on nature markets, including food and finance.
To move beyond the early surge in nature-related interest and activity requires engaging more, and more directly with the market in ways that accelerate asset reallocation and nature positive investments.

Catalytic Investment Facility
NatureFinance has set up a Catalytic Investment Facility that will itself invest, and crowd in other investments in early stage businesses that have the potential to shape tomorrow’s equitable, nature positive markets. With seed funding from the Mava Foundation, a philanthropic foundation which invests in people and nature to support nature conservation, the Facility is scheduled to rollout in 2023. Read more
Nature Investor Circle
NatureFinance’s role in scoping and developing a pipeline of nature-positive businesses is further enhanced by the launch of Nature Investor Circle, a community of early-stage investors, thought leaders and scientists supporting a new generation of nature-positive businesses. Solicited proposals only. Read more