Governing Biodiversity Credit Markets┃Davos

February 9, 2023

NatureFinance, InTent and the Taskforce on Nature Markets convened a dinner at the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos to discuss the governance of rapidly emerging biodiversity credit markets.

At early stages of development, biodiversity credit markets hold the potential of valuing and trading, protecting and regenerating nature, but how they are governed will determine the degree to which they will actually generate equitable and nature positive outcomes.

The dinner focused on practical measures, framed by the work being advanced by many actors including rePlanet, SEED Biocomplexity Index, Regen Foundation, Regen Network, Earth Law Centre and the World Economic Forum – who invited actors to read and respond to the draft Integrity Principles for Biodiversity Credit Markets.

The stakes are high and the process unchartered. If we heard one clarion call it is that shaping the biodiversity credit markets so that they have integrity, and truly protect and uplift biodiversity and communities, needs to be done in an inclusive and collaborative way.

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