NatureFinance at the One Forest Summit

February 28, 2023

NatureFinance is participating in the One Forest Summit, held jointly by the governments of France and Gabon. A gathering of Heads of State, leaders of international organisations, financial institutions, international NGOs, think tanks and research centres, indigenous people’s organisations and civil society, the Summit in Libreville, Gabon will focus on forest ecosystems, sustainable value chains and innovative sources of financing, including biodiversity market solutions. 

‘Leveraging innovative finance mechanisms for nature’ March 1, 15h – 16h30 CET

Join NatureFinance’s Executive Director, Simon Zadek and Senior Advisor, Justin Mundy at the Ministerial session discussing the state of play of existing innovations for investments in nature positive development pathways in large forest basins and for the sustainable development of Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs). The panel will discuss the comparative merits of these different instruments in the case of forests, setting the foundations for a paper to feed into the process of the Summit for a New Financial Pact that will be hosted by France in Paris in June 2023.

Key Themes to be covered by NatureFinance:

  • Innovative ways to measure nature so that it can be integrated into financial flows and financial decisions making. 
  • Improving the alignment of financial flows to create nature positive outcomes. 
  • The need for new governance principles and models that protect nature and biodiversity, not exploit it. 
  • A market scaling approach that includes and respects the voices of the local stewards of nature. 
  • Integrating sustainability-defined measures into sovereign debt financing tools. 


Consultation Paper Release:The Future of Biodiversity Credit Markets

  • NatureFinance has released ‘The Future of Biodiversity Credit Markets’ to contribute to the One Forest Summit conversation around how nature credit markets to make a meaningful contribution to advancing equity, nature and climate goals.
  • The paper provides both framing and practical proposals for these markets to produce the scaled financing and incentives needed for businesses and economies to better align with the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement.


Gabon Pilot of the Nature-Finance Alignment Tool

  • The Republic of Gabon has shown great leadership as the first country to step forward to pilot the Nature-Finance Alignment Tool, to support its own strategic policy priorities and to assist NatureFinance in refining the Tool to meet the practical needs of sovereign Governments.
  • A significant amount of data on both public and private financial flows in Gabon has been gathered in the last two months, covering over US$5 billion of investments, and analysis is underway to assess its nature-alignment.  
  • The next stage of the pilot in Gabon will involve deeper dives into specific activities to identify how they can be made as nature-aligned as possible and to start to integrate the work with existing climate-alignment initiatives.


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