NatureFinance Heads to CBD COP 16

October 1, 2024

CBD COP 16 is set to take place in Cali, Colombia from the 21st of October to the 1st of November 2024.

NatureFinance will have a strong presence on the ground, co-hosting, participating in, and engaging with a range of events across its diverse workstreams. Our delegation will focus on advancing global financial alignment with biodiversity and climate goals, promoting nature-positive investments, bioeconomy growth, and innovative financial tools.

This web page will continue to be updated regularly as details of NatureFinance’s CBD COP 16 programme evolve.

Events NatureFinance are hosting or co-hosting at CBD COP 16


• 23rd October: Financing climate resilient cities through Urban Biodiversity Credits

LSNG Hub, Place Quebec, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 10:00-11:00 (COT)

This event will explore the innovative concept of Urban Biodiversity Credits (UBCs), a new approach to financing green urban infrastructure by leveraging biodiversity to help cities address critical challenges such as climate change, air pollution, flooding, and loss of green spaces. UBCs generate funding by creating credits based on verified improvements in local biodiversity. The event will highlight the work of the Nature & People Foundation and its partners, including a pilot project in Rio de Janeiro, and will demonstrate how cities can use UBCs to enhance climate resilience, biodiversity, and attract private financing.

Hosted by: NatureFinance and Nature&People

Jeremy Eppel and Arend Kulenkampff to speak


• 23rd October: Finance: Accelerating alignment of finance with the GBF Recent developments and opportunities

Nature Positive Pavilion, Big Room, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 12:00-13:00 (COT)

The need to shift global financial flows towards nature-positive investments has never been more urgent. These financial flows, both public and private, domestic and international, need to support an equitable and nature-positive transition. This session will explore Innovative data products and assessment tools, Scenario analysis models, Real-world case studies and Transition planning frameworks. These will be discussed within the broader frameworks provided by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). Contributions from governments, financial institutions, data providers, and experts will provide practical examples of how alignment with the GBF is being pursued in various sectors.

For more information, click here.

Hosted by: NatureFinance

Sarah Krisht and Jeremy Eppel to speak


• 24th October: Equity in the Bioeconomy: A Global Dialogue

Amazonía Siempre Pavilion, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 11:30 – 12:15 (COT)

The panel Equity in the Bioeconomy: A Global Dialogue at COP16 will bring together experts to examine how equitable frameworks can be integrated into the financing of the bioeconomy. Building on the insights from previous discussions on the September 12th workshop in Rio de Janeiro, this session will address the challenges and opportunities of ensuring fairness in the allocation of resources and benefits across diverse communities, particularly Indigenous peoples and local populations. The dialogue aims to foster a deeper understanding of equity in bioeconomy financing and explore practical solutions to create inclusive and sustainable economic models.

Hosted by: NatureFinance

Luana Maia and Arend Kulenkampff to speak


• 25 October: Financing a Positive Bioeconomy for Climate, Nature, and People

Nature Positive Pavilion, Big Room, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 09:00-10:00 (COT)

This event will delve into this emerging landscape and the critical drivers needed to channel new and significantly increased financial flows towards the global bioeconomy and their potential to contribute to the resource mobilisation and other key GBF targets.  The event will bring together representatives from the Brazilian G20 Initiative on  Bioeconomy, representatives from the incoming South African G20 Presidency, financial actors, FDIs, MDBs and civil society to explore strategies for scaling the bioeconomy, holistically, sustainably and in a way that drives sustainable development and supports the GBF.

For more information, click here.

Hosted by: NatureFinance

Simon Zadek and Julie McCarthy to speak


• 26th October: From Cali to Belem: Nature and Climate in the Coming Years

Nature Positive Pavilion, Big Room, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 09:00-10:00 (COT)

This session will explore the pivotal journey from COP16 to COP30, focusing on nature-related action and the climate-nature nexus. With Brazil’s Bioeconomy Initiative (GIB) and its role as host of COP30 in 2025, the coming year is critical for advancing the global nature and climate agenda. The discussion will address strategic actions, international collaboration, and the integration of nature into global financial systems.

For more information, click here.

Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance, TNFD and the Climate Champions Team

Simon Zadek to speak


• 26th October: (Invite Only) Venture Beyond: Why Aligning Finance, Policy, and Innovation Drives Nature Positive Investment

Nature Positive Pavilion, Big Room, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 12:00-13:00 (COT)

Closed-Door Event: The Nature Investor Circle, an initiative by NatureFinance, aims to host an engaging and curated event at COP16, focusing on the critical role of early-stage investments in advancing nature-positive markets. This closed-door event will bring together investors, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders to explore and address the capital needs, investment landscape, and regulatory environment essential for fostering nature-positive ventures. This event will explore how successful nature-positive startups can navigate the pre- and post-investment landscape and what lessons can be drawn from various financing strategies. Additionally, we’ll discuss how stakeholders can bridge the gap between policy and the venture space to create meaningful partnerships around nature-positive innovations.

To learn more about this event, please email

Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance, Nature Investor Circle, Innovate4Nature, The Landbanking Group and Silverstrand

Hiba Larsson and Julie McCarthy to speak


• 26th October: Catalysts of Change: How the Multilateral Banks from the Global South Drive the Nature Finance Ecosystem

CI-IDB Pavillion, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 15:30-17:00 (COT)

The purpose of this event is to highlight the critical role of multilateral banks from the Global South in advancing the Nature Finance Ecosystem. The event will showcase how these banks contribute to sustainable development by mobilizing financial resources, promoting capacity building, and addressing environmental challenges, all aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework targets.

Hosted by: NatureFinance

Arend Kulenkampff to speak


• 27th October: Urban Biodiversity Credits: delivering nature-based climate adaptation infrastructure for the cities of the Amazon

Amazonía Siempre Pavilion, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 15:15-16:00 (COT)

This event aims to highlight the potential of Urban Biodiversity Credits (UBC) in addressing climate adaptation challenges, particularly in large Latin American cities, including the Amazon. This session will showcase Rio de Janeiro’s pioneering UBC pilot project, demonstrating how UBCs can mitigate environmental issues like excess heat while also generating new finance for green infrastructure. The event will explore the role of UBCs in aligning private finance with bioeconomy goals, providing cities with innovative solutions to climate and biodiversity challenges.

Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance and Nature&People Foundation

Jeremy Eppel and Marcelo Furtado to speak


• 27th October: Investing in Africa, Investing in Nature: the Emerging African Biocredits Landscape

Nature Positive Pavilion, Big Room, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 17:00-18:00 (COT)

African Natural Capital Alliance and FSD Africa in partnership with NatureFinance is launching the African Biocredits Landscape report at the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) – the UN Biodiversity Conference. This landscaping maps the emerging biodiversity credit projects emerging across the African continent, which although nascent, represent a range of species, ecosystems and landscapes to invest far beyond what has been possible in the nature finance landscape hereto. This event will showcase the findings of this landscaping study, future scenario development of biodiversity credit and related markets and recommendations to further scale private investment in conservation and restoration work as well as developing nature as an asset class in order to do so.

For more information, click here.

Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance, African Natural Capital Alliance and FSD Africa

Monique Atouguia to speak


• 28th October: Bioeconomy at the G20 and beyond: Challenges and Opportunities for building a nature positive and equitable bioeconomy

Amazonía Siempre Pavilion, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 13:30-14:30 (COT)

This event will explore the potential of the bioeconomy to align economic development with biodiversity conservation, offering a path toward nature-positive and equitable growth. It will focus on the evolution of the G20 Bioeconomy Initiative (GIB), especially under South Africa’s upcoming G20 Presidency, and its alignment with the CBD’s biodiversity goals. High-level speakers will discuss how innovative financial instruments, multilateral collaboration, and private sector engagement can drive bioeconomy initiatives forward, ensuring sustainable growth and social equity.

Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance and IDB

Marcelo Furtado to speak


• 28th October: Innovative Finance for Biodiversity in Asia and the Pacific

Farallones – Youth meeting roomPlaza One, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 16:30-17:50 (COT)

At this event, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will launch the first Biodiversity Bond, a thematic bond focusing on Nature based Solutions (NbS). Building on the experiences of Green and Blue Bonds, the Biodiversity Bond will mobilize private capital for investment projects related to nature conservation and mainstreaming biodiversity in production sectors. The event will also include a panel discussion among different partners, including speakers from AFD, GEF and TNC. They will inform on variety of different innovative financing mechanisms and share successes and challenges to mobilize both public and private finance for nature.

For more information, click here.

Co-Hosted by: ADB, The Nature Conservancy, AFD, GEF and NatureFinance

Arend Kulenkampff to speak


• 28th October: (Invite Only) How do we feed the world and protect nature in a world beyond 1.5°C

Nature Positive Pavilion, Small Room, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 17:00-18:00 (COT)

Closed-Door Event: NatureFinance and FAIRR are partnering to host a Chatham House Rules roundtable discussion at COP 16 on 28th October, focused on the future of food security in a world beyond 1.5°C. This session will spotlight the urgent debate on how to catalyse disruptive actions that match the scale of the intertwined climate and nature crises affecting food security. Participants will explore the potential of innovative technologies, such as vertical farming, climate-independent production systems, and cultivated meat, which aim to minimise environmental impact while enhancing sustainability and resilience. Additionally, we will discuss the role of financial innovations, including nature and carbon credits, and performance-linked financing, in scaling these technologies—particularly in climate-vulnerable regions like the Global South.

To learn more about this event, please email

Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance and FAIRR


• 29th October: Biodiversity financing: A global overview of innovative schemes to scale up resources

GEF Partnership Pavilion, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 17:00-18:00 (COT)

This event will explore innovative financial schemes designed to scale up resources for biodiversity projects, aligning with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’s target of $200 billion per year by 2030. Traditional conservation methods alone cannot address the biodiversity crisis; thus, new approaches involving multi-stakeholder collaboration are essential. Through presentations of four key initiatives, the event will showcase efforts to bring together policymakers, private companies, financial institutions, and international organizations to foster investment in nature. Additionally, it will highlight recommendations from the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group during Brazil’s G20 Presidency.

Co-Hosted by: Institute for Climate and Society (ICS), Brazilian Ministry of Finance, Instituto Itausa, CPI Lab and NatureFinance

Arend Kulenkampff and Marcelo Furtado to speak


• 30th October: Ensuring a Nature Positive Future Through a Sustainable Bioeconomy

The Finance for Biodiversity Pavilion, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center | 12:30-13:30 (COT)

This session will explore the intersection of bioeconomy and nature positive pathways, showcasing the synergies between sustainable economic development and the protection of biodiversity. The panel will highlight how countries, particularly G20 nations, can develop national-level nature positive economic pathways, and what role global enabling conditions (e.g., trade policies, financial incentives) play in supporting these strategies. Specific focus will be given to how South Africa and other nations are positioning their bi economy strategies within the G20 and beyond, as well as the importance of leveraging private finance and trade incentives for sustainable development.

Co-Hosted by: NatureFinance, WWF and the Climate Champions Team

Simon Zadek to speak


To view NatureFinance’s latest full agenda, including speaking engagements at CBD COP 16, please click here.

For further information about NatureFinance’s engagement at CBD COP 16, please contact

NatureFinance CBD COP 16 Delegation

Julie McCarthy
Julie McCarthy, Co-CEO, NatureFinance
Simon Zadek
Simon Zadek, Co-CEO, NatureFinance
Arend Kulenkampff
Arend Kulenkampff, Sovereign Financing Lead, NatureFinance and Director, SSDH
Jeremy Eppel
Jeremy Eppel, Senior Advisor, NatureFinance
Luana Maia
Luana Maia, Global Brazil Lead, NatureFinance
Marcelo Furtado
Marcelo Furtado, Principal, NatureFinance and Head of Sustainability, Itaúsa
Mark Halle
Mark Halle, Senior Advisor, NatureFinance
Roberta Zandonai
Roberta Zandonai, Communications Senior Associate, NatureFinance
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